

Welcome to Dragon Squash--the only public school squash team in Virginia and one of only a few in the country!  Now in our fourth year, the program philosophy centers on the core concept that squash is fun, challenging, and rewarding.  The goal is for players to hone their skills, take fitness seriously, compete hard, and have fun.  We see squash as a lifelong sport, where the skills of the game and the understanding of its flow and strategies create lasting friendships and an enduring enjoyment of the game.  Through a strong and generous partnership with the University of Virginia, we practice and play in one of the world's premier facilities, the McArthur Squash Center at Boar's Head

WHAT IS SQUASH? This short video provides a great intro!


The game of squash is one of the fastest growing racquet sports in the country. The strong interest in the game amongst children and adults alike is driven by several factors:

  • The Charlottesville area is highly unique in the number of courts available and accessible
  • It is an ageless sport that can be enjoyed at any skill and age level
  • Squash is considered the healthiest sport of all! (Forbes Magazine)
  • The clever, fast-paced technical and tactical game is being played at most of the top colleges in the United States and also being recognized as one of the top three extracurricular sports that can assist in college placement.  Over 200 U.S. colleges and universities now have squash teams
  • And youth squash is growing; the U.S. high school squash national tournament is the largest of all squash events in the world, hosting nearly 2,000 competitors

In their excellent book, Raising Big Smiling Squash Kids, Richard Millman and Georgetta Morque outline these great reasons to get your kids playing:

Squash is fun and offers fitness for life.  Easy, as it it takes just two to play; social, as it takes at least two to have fun.  Squash is truly a global sport and provides the opportunity to travel.  It can also offer college team play… And squash can play a big role in developing character, self-confidence, decision-making and discipline.

Handle squash competition well and you and you can handle anything life throws at you.  The sport can be played on the cheap, initially, and is relatively safe since it’s not a contact sport.  You can be tall or short – size doesn’t matter.  A player can pick and choose tournaments in which to participate and even though squash is an individual sport, there are exciting team opportunities.  And once you’re on a squash team, no child sits on the bench at a match.

Squash bridges the family generation gap, as old and young can play together.  Squash brings together nice people from all walks of life, all over the world.


  • 2021-22 Practice Schedule TBA


  • All players must have a physical examination prior to the first practice. The form can be found here and turned in to the main office once completed. A copy of the form is also attached to this email. (Note: Middle school players should answer “N/A” to questions about high school semesters and credits)
  • $75 ACPS Athletics Fee applies (scholarships and/or sibling discounts available)


  • Non-marking athletic shoes
  • Athletic shorts and shirts for practices
  • Racquets, goggles, and balls will be provided but you are free to bring/purchase your own


  • 2021-22 Competition Schedule TBD



Our squash team operates entirely on private donations, grants, and volunteerism.  With equity and access as a core value, our aim is to offer the sport to our students with no participation fee and limited out-of-pocket expenses.  We will be exploring ongoing fundraising and sponsorship opportunities to ensure program sustainability.



Contact us are interested is supporting our program through:

  • Fundraising
  • Coaching
  • Transportation


For more information, contact Head Squash Coach Chad Ratliff.


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